Category Archives: 11th EDF EPA TBT Programme
Capacity Developed in CARIFORUM Despite Pandemic
- crosqblog
- on Apr, 28, 2021
- Category11th EDF EPA TBT Programme, Cooperation
- Comments Off on Capacity Developed in CARIFORUM Despite Pandemic

Capacity building is often a catch-phrase in many developmental projects. Sometimes it’s clear what that term means, in other instances – not so much! What the Technical Barriers to Trade Component of the 11th EDF-EPA Programme has allowed CARIFORUM beneficiary states to practically do is prove this term true. Since the last quarter of 2020, […]
Media Training in the Works
- crosqblog
- on Jul, 08, 2020
- Category11th EDF EPA TBT Programme
- No Comments.

As promotion of quality services in the region starts to ramp up with the reopening or partial reopening of businesses and borders across CARICOM, CROSQ is looking at engaging the media in sensitization sessions aimed at bringing quality infrastructure alive in a real way. The workshops, which were originally intended as face-to-face sessions in each […]
Read MoreAccreditation Gets Underway for CABs
- crosqblog
- on Jul, 08, 2020
- Category11th EDF EPA TBT Programme, Conformity Testing
- No Comments.

Attention now on Testing, Inspection, Certification and Accreditation Bodies Efforts to bring regional entities responsible for testing, inspection, certification and accreditation up to international standards has begun. The process to have a select number of these entities accredited is an intended output of the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) component of the 11th European Development […]
Read MoreCoping With COVID in QI
- crosqblog
- on Jul, 08, 2020
- Category11th EDF EPA TBT Programme
- No Comments.

Developmental Programming in the Age of COVID19 By David Tomlinson On January 16, 2020 the CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ) Secretariat bolted from the starting blocks with the launch of the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Component of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) Programme. The team was […]
Read MoreBuilding the RQI (Part 3)
- crosqblog
- on Jul, 08, 2020
- Category11th EDF EPA TBT Programme, Cooperation, CROSQ
- No Comments.

From Study Tour to Regional Certification Scheme Concept Building the quality infrastructure of the CARICOM Region is not a task one can take on alone, even within the Caribbean itself. At times, it requires looking beyond our Caribbean waters to encompass the best practices and experiences of others. CROSQ, has over the past couple years […]
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