Author Archives: crosqblog
11th EDF TBT Programme Still Churning Out Results
- crosqblog
- on Apr, 28, 2021
- Category11th EDF EPA TBT Programme, Demand for Quality
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If there’s one thing the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us in the quality world, it’s that innovation in times of challenge can bring surprising results. Such has certainly been the case with the progress of the Technical Barriers to Trade Component of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF), Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) Programme. The project […]
Capacity Developed in CARIFORUM Despite Pandemic
- crosqblog
- on Apr, 28, 2021
- Category11th EDF EPA TBT Programme, Cooperation
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Capacity building is often a catch-phrase in many developmental projects. Sometimes it’s clear what that term means, in other instances – not so much! What the Technical Barriers to Trade Component of the 11th EDF-EPA Programme has allowed CARIFORUM beneficiary states to practically do is prove this term true. Since the last quarter of 2020, […]
How the Caribbean Fits Into the International Metrology System
- crosqblog
- on Apr, 28, 2021
- CategoryCROSQ
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by Anselm Gittens and David Tomlinson Long before most of the islands of the Caribbean gained independence from their metropoles, 17 countries signed, in 1875, a treaty that would form the basis for the coordination and development of accurate and harmonized global measurements. The Metre Convention, signed on May 20, 1875, created the International Bureau […]
Read MoreMedia Training in the Works
- crosqblog
- on Jul, 08, 2020
- Category11th EDF EPA TBT Programme
- No Comments.

As promotion of quality services in the region starts to ramp up with the reopening or partial reopening of businesses and borders across CARICOM, CROSQ is looking at engaging the media in sensitization sessions aimed at bringing quality infrastructure alive in a real way. The workshops, which were originally intended as face-to-face sessions in each […]
Read MoreCOVID’s Impact on Resource Mobilisation
- crosqblog
- on Jul, 08, 2020
- CategoryCooperation, CROSQ, Demand for Quality
- No Comments.

Innovation could be the answer for developmental organisations now faced with resource mobilisation challenges due to the constraints the COVID19 pandemic has placed on access to funding. In a brief Q&A with CROSQ’s Resource Mobilisation Officer, Ms. Janice Hilaire, she noted that being in tune with the needs of our CARICOM Member States, as they […]
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