In the last Quarter of 2019, the CROSQ Secretariat, through funding from the Caribbean Development Bank, launched a six-week digital awareness campaign across its various social media and online platforms.
One of the products of that campaign was the Q-Factor website. This website allowed the CROSQ Secretariat the ability to engage more with the public, consolidate regional quality infrastructure information and present it in ways that were more easily digestible for the target audiences. Results included a 15% increase of consumption by the material produced and millions of impressions across the various social platforms, coupled with 500-plus downloads of the products produced, especially for the small- and medium-sized enterprises.
So, to keep the momentum going, we’ve created Q-Factor+, a page that goes beyond the campaign to take in other developments in the regional quality landscape, and introduce a number of initiatives and outcomes of other projects we are also working on to develop the regional standards and quality infrastructure throughout CARICOM. With Q-Factor+, you will have access to new featured articles written by subject matter experts and contributors, videos, blogs and other content across our various platforms.
Welcome to the Q-Factor+, which will provide insights into what your regional and national quality institutions are doing to help you access the kind of quality services and products you deserve.
The CARIFORUM EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) was signed in 2008 building on long-standing economic relationships between the Caribbean region and the European Union. With the goal to offer new market opportunities for the Caribbean and to foster regional trade, great expectations are put on the EPA. Besides the various positive results already seen until now, there is still work to be done so that the Caribbean countries are able to fully benefit from the EPA.
Existing Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) impede intra-regional trade and preclude the region from fully entering international markets. Many exporters from the Caribbean have limited access to internationally recognised Quality Infrastructure services resulting in high costs for sourcing these services outside the region.
CROSQ’s role in the energy sector is still a developing one.
To fulfil its energy mandate, CROSQ begun working in the areas of energy efficiency and renewable energy in 2016, with the CARICOM Regional Energy Efficiency Building Code, which established minimum energy performance standards for buildings.
This work was complemented by the start of the creation of minimum energy performance standards for appliances, as well as labelling standards through a project called the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (the R3E), and later was replaced by the Strengthening of the Quality for Sustainable Energy (QSEC) Project.
More can be learnt about the organisation’s ongoing work in energy by following the link below.